Sell Batting Cage Credits (QR Code)

In this article, learn how to sell batting cage credits using the Home Plate Pass (QR Code) inside the Hub.


Last updated: January 22, 2024

Note: If you are using the Embed Integration (Swing Card), refer to this article for steps on selling batting cage credits.

Sell Batting Cage Credits (QR Code)

  • To start, click the green plus sign (+) in the top right corner, then select Point of Sale
  • Search and click on the name of the client you would like to sell the credits to
  • Search for the name of the retail item (we recommend naming it Batting Cage Credits)

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  • Select the desired amount of Swing credits and the quantity
  • Select the appropriate profile you want to receive the credits


  • Click Add to Cart
  • Click Continue
  • Click Continue to Payment
  • Input the payment method and click Purchase to complete the transaction
  • Once the transaction is completed, the credits will populate on the client's profile page

Things to note:

  • The credits will appear on the profile that you purchase them for, so if the kid is in the facility then you would want to sell the credits under the kid's name.

  • The credits will show up as "Swings" on the client's profile and they can scan their QR code to start the machines.
  • The client cannot be logged in at the same time the transaction is being processed, they must wait to login until after the sale is complete to access their credits.
  • Once a client has batting cage credits loaded onto their profile, the only way to reduce the number of credits is to do a manual scan of the QR code at the machine.


Membership Information

  • If a client has a membership, their swing count will be included in the "Swings" box on their profile
  • Once a membership is sold, their QR code will be loaded with their membership swings
  • If a client has both credit swings and membership swings, the software will use the credit swings first