Set up Seasonal Training Programs

In this article, learn how set up your seasonal training programs if you offer them.


Last updated: May 3, 2023

If you offer seasonal training (Ex. 8 week programs), but want to offer multiple time slots for people to commit to for the duration of the program, learn some tips and best practices for how to go about setting those events up.

More often than not if you want to offer multiple time slots for seasonal training events, it's best to set them each up as individual fixed schedule events. For reference, learn how to create a fixed scheduled event.

Below are some recommended tips and strategies when setting up your multiple seasonal training program options but also feel free to schedule some time to meet with a member of our Education Team if you need further assistance.

Note: You will want to create each time slot as it's on individual event. Ex, if you offer two 8 week programs, one on Tuesdays at 6pm, one on Thursdays at 7pm, these need to be set up as separate fixed events.

Set up Seasonal Training Programs

Event & Location

  • We recommend always including the time slot for the program in the Event Title. This will help minimize confusion and participants registering for the wrong time slot.
  • Creating a separate Event Type for your Seasonal Programs allows the clients to filter by the Event Type and thus they can see all the time slots and programs you offer.


  • Only input the schedule for one individual program of dates. Ex. 8 week program that occurs on Tuesdays at 6pm only include the next eight(8) Tuesdays at  6pm as the schedule. For any other time slots, you will want to create them as separate fixed scheduled events.


  • The participant max needs to be set to how many total participants you will allow for that given program. So if you set it to 5, the same 5 participants will be registered for the entirety of the program.

Staff & Resources

  • Add the appropriate staff and resources that you need to reserve in order to execute the entire program.


  • Set the pricing up to match what you want to charge participants for the entire program.
  • You can offer flexible payment plan options but Adding Automation in the pricing tab and building your your payment plan options, if applicable.


  • Each individual event will have a unique event URL so you can market and post on your website the specific program for quick and easy access to sign up for the program and their preferred time slot.


  • If you wanted to collect additional information at checkout for your programs, you can select from the many options we have available to ask your participants when they sign up.